We were honoured to welcome Her Excellency, the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia, to Cardijn College Marcellin Campus this week.
Her visit provided our apprenti...
We are incredibly proud of our students' outstanding SACE achievements, with 100% completion across both Marian and Marcellin campuses!
Marcellin achieved an incr...
Congratulations to our 2024 Marcellin Apprentice of the Year, Imogen Smith!
Imogen is completing a Certificate III in Electrotechnology with MTC Training and is employed as a 2nd year apprentice e...
We recently welcomed industry partners from the Electrical and Construction sectors to an Industry Engagement breakfast. This event served as a platform for more than just connecting our students w...
2023 has been another incredible year at Marcellin Campus. We congratulate our graduating class on once again achieving 100% SACE completion!
An astonishing 89% of the Class of 2023 have grad...