Employ an Apprentice

Australian Apprenticeships are available to anyone of working age and combines paid work with structured training to gain a nationally recognised qualification.
When you hire a new apprentice or trainee, you gain a new worker who will learn your business your way whilst being trained in the broader requirements of the industry.
An apprenticeship or traineeship is also a great way to upskill your existing staff.
The term Australian Apprenticeship is used to cover both apprenticeships and traineeships.

You can employ an Apprentice, part-time, full-time or while they are still at school (school-based apprentice).

School-based Apprenticeships

An Australian School-based Apprenticeship allows students to study their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and at the same time begin and/or complete a nationally recognized training qualification under either a traineeship or apprenticeships, as paid employees within a range of exciting industry sectors.
The pattern of employment, training and school is negotiated with all parties, with a typical program being 1 day at trade school, 1 day at secondary school and 3 days on the job. This pattern will change of school commitments alter.
Australian School-based Apprenticeships (ASbAs) are a great career option. A school student can earn a wage and get hands on experience while finishing school.


Depending on the qualification an Apprenticeship can take between 36 and 48 months. Industries that offer Apprenticeships include trade areas, building and construction, electrotechnology, automotive, engineering, manufacturing, commercial cookery, hairdressing and more.


Depending on the qualification a Traineeship can take between 12 and 24 months. Industries that offer Traineeships include service industries such as business, retail, community health, childcare, hair and beauty, financial service and more.


Wages for Australian Apprentices depend on many factors including, age of the apprentice, year of training, type of qualification, and Industry or occupation. Australian Apprentices have the same rights as all other workers in Australia.


An employer of an Australian Apprentice may be eligible for financial assistance from the Australian or State Governments to help with hiring and training an apprentice.  The Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program Summary can be found at australianapprenticeships.gov.au/employers